2024 Speakers

Rachel Lee
Social Media Manager
Hannah Robertson
Content and Channel Manager
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Maddison Stafford
Head of Communications and Media
Austin Health
Haydyn Jones
Associate Director of Social Media
Department of Home Affairs
Liz Grey
Strategic Communications Manager
NSW Department of Education
Tiffany Sayers
Co-Founder and Director
Loft Social
Daniel Buttigieg
Co-Founder and Director
Loft Social
Karen Owens
Communications and Marketing Manager
Melbourne Water
Ellen Axford
Digital Marketing Manager
Australian Trade and Investment Commission
Kendall Masters
Social Media and Communications Manager
Victoria Police 
Serryn O’Regan
Chief Executive Officer
Equinim College
Michelle Lee
Acting Manager Digital Content and Social Media Strategy
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Marie Tweedy
Digital Media Coordinato
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks USA
Chris Smith
Co-Founder & CEO
BIGR Social
Adam Max
BIGR Socia
Kate Howard
Social Media Producer
Tourism Australia 
Beth Barber
Communications Manager
University of Melbourne
Kath McKenzie
Executive Manager Community Engagement and Communications
Northern Beaches Council
Helen Sui
Chief Executive Officer
Moonee Valley City Council
Luis Gaitan
Senior Media Producer
University of Melbourne
Lucy Zupan
Digital Channels Lead
City of Perth
Jason Kempen
Social Media Manager
Australian Digital Health Agency
Elli Summers
Team Leader Social Media
Brisbane City Council
Donna Elkins
Digital Content Manager
City of Sydney